A shortage of skilled workers is one of the most serious problems throughout rural Transkei. The older generation was generally deprived of any type of education or skills training due to the policies imposed during the apartheid era. Even the younger generation is seriously lacking in technical skills. This makes it difficult for the people of Transkei to enter the broader job market. The mission has a twofold goal: to lead people to Christ and to assist them in becoming productive members of society.
There are few, if any, ways to bring outside training to the people of this region. Those who are willing to come to this area often charge fees, which the people cannot afford because they are poor. In spite of the challenges, the mission often holds training programs, such as computer skills, gas welding, reading, brickmaking, and agriculture. In this way, the mission is helping the people of Transkei to live more fulfilled lives as productive members of their community.