by Marshall | Jul 9, 2013 | Images
by Marshall | Jul 9, 2013 | Images
by Marshall | Jun 27, 2013 | Uncategorized
For many years, Mandlenkosi and his wife Noxolo had a burden for the children in the impoverished community of Msobomvu, Transkei. It lies in the shadow of the industrial city of Butterworth. The children of Msobomvu live in shacks, garbage dumps and in the bushes. As...
by Marshall | Jun 27, 2013 | Our Ministries
Ukufika kwanaKoski eAfrica, ibhola ekhatyayo yayiyeyonanto iyindumasi ngeloxesha kumaXhosa. Kulemihla, kunjeke kwaba yimingcwabo. Oyena nobangela wokufa, ngungawulayo(AIDS). Ngokoqikelelo, anaXhosa amalunga namashumi amane anesibhozo ephesenteyiji (48%)...
by Marshall | Jun 27, 2013 | Our Ministries
Prior to 2000 most discipleship was done on a direct one-to-one bases. Kelly and his leadership team would spend time teaching and mentoring these new disciples. Even though the mission experienced revival and rapid expansion, discipleship was limited to Kelly and...